The weekly management metrics review
I've spent over 25 years in data and BI and have seen companies both be successful and unsuccessful with how they use their reporting, metrics, and analytics.
The successful ones do this one step: A weekly, CEO-driven review of the business's core metrics, with all the people accountable for them in the meeting.
You need at least:
1 North Star metric (e.g. Number of units sold to consumers or Monthly active users)
5 Output metrics that matter (e.g., Sales Pipeline Coverage or Gross Margin %)
10 Input metrics that matter (e.g., Sales calls per rep, Customer support response time)
And the CEO needs to hold the metric owners accountable for their numbers. No excuses.
The North Star is an output metric based on something that really matters to your customers.
The output metrics need to cover:
Pipeline (e.g. target coverage)
Revenue (e.g. closed orders by order date)
Margin (e.g. gross margin per portfolio)
One other important metric specific to your business
It's up to you which specific metrics you use in these categories.
Your input metrics need to cover critical activities that you can influence, across your value chain from marketing through to fulfillment and support.
As you go on, you may add more metrics. That's great - it's how you learn. You'll definitely redefine a few as time goes on and you realize the metric isn't doing the right thing.
Famously Amazon review over 100 metrics each week in their management meetings at all levels.
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